Terms of Service

Last updated April 30, 2024

Join Uplisting Refer-a-Host Partner and receive a 30% commission on all eligible payments within the first 12 months for paying customers you refer to www.uplisting.io.

Publishers are prohibited to use our branded terms in search marketing, paid search marketing, or trademark plus bidding campaigns including any variations, alternate spellings, alternate spacing, misspellings of the brand, or any phrases that include these terms:

uplisting, uplisting.io, uplisting coupon, uplisting coupon code, uplisting.io coupon, uplisting.io coupon code, uplisting promo code, uplisting.io promo code, uplisting.io promotional code, uplisting promotional code

Additionally, any Self-referrals will not be considered as eligible for payout. 

Note: payouts will be made to any eligible affiliates with 2 or more conversions (sales) to nominated Wise accounts. Referrals will not be eligible if they proceed through a Sales process with our team.